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Social Cognition, Human Empathy, and Mind Adaptability

Our Focus

Research in the SCHEMA Lab draws on a broad range of methods employed across psychology, linguistics, and measurement to study how our brains make sense of other people's thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, emotions, and intentions. 


The Lab’s research is concerned with how perspective-taking and empathy vary across individuals, how they are influenced by bilingualism and multiculturalism, how they are measured, and what role they play in various real-world tasks.


The SCHEMA Lab is part of St. John's University Psychology Department.


Find out more about our research and how to participate.




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Navarro (2022). What is theory of mind? A psychometric study of theory of mind and intelligence


Navarro, Hao, Rosales, Conway (2023) An item response theory approach to the measurement of working memory capacity

Navarro & Rossi (2023). Using latent variable analysis to capture individual differences in bilingual language experience.  doi:10.1017/S1366728923000846

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