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Active Research Projects

Become a Participant in one of our research studies

Working harder, or working faster? Novel and working memory task validity for individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

In this study, you will complete 2 short tests/tasks, one using our lab computer, and the other being administered by the primary investigator, Jacqueline Hilbert.


Participation lasts approximately 45 minutes. If you participate, you will receive 0.5 SONA credits, and your name will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $50.00 gift card!



-at least 18 years of age


Individuals with, and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are encouraged to apply.


To sign up, or find out more about the study, email: Jacqueline Hilbert at

Motivation in the face of stress

Join us at SJU’s SCHEMA Lab for a study examining cogntive control, motivation, and stress. 


In this study, you will complete a computer memory task and a few questionnaires about stress and motivation


Participation lasts approximately 1 hour


You will enter to win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards



- At least 18 years of age and under 50

- Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision

- Proficient in English


To sign up text (301) 634-1134


If you have any questions, please contact Sarah LaBarbera

Is your personality helping others? 

The SCHEMA Lab is hosting a study regarding personality traits and social intelligence for all undergraduate and graduate students age 18+ at St. John’s!


Participants will complete 1 short survey and be administered a mental perspective taking task.


If you participate, you will receive 0.5 SONA credits, and your name will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card!


Contact Christian Dellavella:

Who not to kill?
Morality and Decision-Making

Join us in the SCHEMA Lab for a study on  moral judgement.


In this study, you will be asked to complete a general demographic survey, and two tasks relating to perspective taking and moral dilemmas.


Participation lasts approximately 40 minutes.

You will receive 0.75 Academic Credit through SONA for participating and a chance to win an Amazon gift card.



- At least 18 years of age

-Normal or corrected-to-normal sight (contacts/glasses are accepted)

- Proficient in English


To sign up, log into and select: An Experiment on Group Membership and Moral Judgement, then sign up for your preferred date/time.


If you have any questions, please contact Phoebe Dadson at:

Do you want to participate in research?

If you'd like to be a participant in one of our research studies, contact  Christian Dellavella at

Schema Lab

©2023 by Schema Lab.

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